
Monday, December 1, 2014

Creative Team Designer Announcement - Rachelle Green

Hi everyone. I'm excited to introduce myself as one of the Love My Fabric Creative Design Team -- Rachelle Green. Pronounced like "Michelle" but with an R and not to be confused with Rachel Green from Friends. LOL.

I started sewing when I was ten years old and don't remember a time in my life when I didn't sew. As an adult, I have always had a designated sewing room. My passion has always been garment sewing. I make 99% of my wardrobe including bras and coats. I always sew with a pattern and consider myself an expert in pattern alterations. I lean toward vibrant colors and classic styles. Take a peek into my closet...

I look forward to sharing garments with you made with the wonderful fabrics available from Love My Fabrics. You can follow me on social media at:

Blogger - Smoking Needles
Facebook - RachelleGreen
Instagram - rmoffettgreen
Pinterest - Rachelle Green


  1. I am so excited to see you on this team!! I continue to be in awe of your sewing skills and I cannot wait to see what you create with those adorable prints!

  2. Candy think you for giving me the heads-up on the design team call!

  3. I just found you and am so excited to see MORE!! Off to check out your blog.......
